Terms & Conditions
1. CARRINGTON AND CREME DE LA CREME parents will need to register through the school. A $25 Registration Fee needs to be paid to Kids 'N Motion (KNM) at this time. All other Schools and Studio parents will need to Register through our website. Enrollment begins when the 1st class is taken. We must have FOUR students registered to schedule our first class. FOUR students must remain enrolled in a class to remain active.
2. Payment must be mailed to the Kids ‘N Motion office or made through PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle on our website.
DO NOT LEAVE PAYMENT AT SCHOOL (Unless otherwise instructed). Instructors will NOT accept checks. Monthly fees are due on the 1st week of the month. Payments received after the 15th of the month will be charged a 5.00 late fee. We also accept credit cards via phone. Contact Us for details. STUDIO PARENTS: Cash and check will also be accepted.
3. Your first statement will be sent after your registration is received in our office at the end of the month. Payment is expected within a week of registration. Upon completing registration, you will receive a Welcome Email with class information and payment details.
4. Parents may observe a class on occasion. KNM requests that parents that plan on participating, notify us in advance so we're able to accommodate young students who may be become shy or anxious with an audience. When observing, please view from outside the classroom when possible and please do not engage in any conversation with the children, teacher, or other parents. If your presence becomes a distraction, please excuse yourself.
5. All checks returned by the bank will be charged a $15.00 fee. After 2 returned checks, other payment methods must be used.
6. Students whose accounts are not paid by the end of the month will not be permitted to participate until the account is brought current.
7. Please follow your child's school calendar. If your child's school is open on a class day, we will be teaching (unless we contact you and advise otherwise). If Pre-K is closed but the school is open, we will plan to teach and you are welcome to bring your child for class. If the school cancels dance class due to unexpected school activities without notification, we will not be held responsible to make up a class or issue a refund. We will notify you of any additional changes. You are welcome to bring your child in for class if he/she is not attending that day.
STUDIO PARENTS: Will be emailed any class cancellations and be informed of the holiday hours on their statements.
8. Withdrawal notification must be made in writing to the Kids 'N Motion office prior to a new month.
9. For the benefit of the class, certain behavior is expected of all students. If all efforts to satisfy this goal, Kids 'N Motion reserves the right to withdraw a student from the class without prior notice.
10. In the event the class is cancelled due to low attendance or any other reason, and you have paid your tuition, you will be reimbursed within three (3) weeks of the cancellation notice.
11. Statements are sent out each month as a courtesy reminder. Payments are expected with or without receipt of a statement. Please mark tuition due dates on your calendar to avoid late payments.